Foredrag om EØS-avtalen ved ESA // EEA law lecture with ESA

(Norwegian text follows)

Dear students!

The EFTA Surveillance Authority will visit the Faculty of Law in Oslo on Wednesday 25 October 2017.

Students can come and meet us 14.15 at the Theologisk eksamenssal DA for a short seminar about the EEA Agreement, its institutions and what is going on in Brussels. Students will be invited to ask questions and speak their minds.

The EFTA Surveillance Authority will also during this seminar provide information on the upcoming Moot Court which will take place in March 2018. This Moot will see fierce competition in a friendly setting, and students from the University of Bergen, Trømso and Oslo are invited to participate. Aside from the prestige of winning, the winning team will also win a fabulous prize: an all-expenses paid VIP visit behind the scenes in Luxembourg and Brussels, including high-level access to the Courts, European Parliament, Commission and a series of skills development workshops at ESA – a money-can’t-buy opportunity for lawyers interested in a career in EEA law.

Take a break from your books, and meet up with us to get some extra motivation!

The EFTA Surveillance Authority, the Faculty of Law and JF hope to see you there!


Kjære studenter,

Onsdag 25. oktober får vi besøk av ESA for en kort innføring i EØS-avtalen, institusjonene bak og hva som foregår i Brussel. Man har her sjansen til å stille spørsmål direkte til EFTAs overvåkningsorgan, og lufte tanker rundt temaet.

Videre vil det bli gitt en kort innføring vedrørende prosedyrekonkurransen som holdes i regi Europastyret og ESA førstkommende mars.

Forelesningen er spesielt interessant for deg som tar JUS2111. Temaet er høyst dagsaktuelt, og vil være interessant også for deg som sitter inne med et brennende engasjement for EØS og/eller overnasjonalt samarbeid.


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